Motion Server Block Controller – Mixed Servos and Steppers circa 2000

The following files are available to update drivers that come with Motion Server Hardware
DML Analyzer – Douloi Motion Link Fiber Optic Communication for MSB for use with Think-and-Do
This installation program configures a host computer with a DML (Douloi Motion Link) for Fiber Optic communication to a fiber-interface equpped MSB. Fiber Optic Communication is done with the BCI protocol (Binary Command Interface) and uses the DMS_BC32.DLL library for communication to host programs. This is the library that is used by Think-and-Do software for communicating to Douloi motion controllers. The DML Analyzer provides confirmation that the fiber optic link is working properly and a simple display of motor positions and user longint variables. DML_Analyzer may be used with Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows 98.
Servo Application Workbench (Original 16 bit version)
SAW provides easy access to controller capabilities and HMI construction. SAW is required to support diagnostics, system setup, and firmware updates. During technical support calls, SAW will be used to query and check the controller and download any new capabilities required by the application. Machines can be deployed with this version if the license.dat file is removed after installing on the target system. This prevents end users from altering and saving SAW applications.
Binary Command Interpreter (32 bit DLL used with VB and Think-and-Do)
The Binary Command Interpreter provides access to the controller from 32 bit Windows environments such as Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Think-and-do software. Please refer to the Binary Command Interpreter Manual for details regarding use.