Motion Server 16 Axis Controller – Mixed Servos and Steppers circa 1996

The following manuals are available in PDF Format
The servo Application Workbench Manual describes setup of the Motion Server controller and use of SAW software for system checkout and diagnostics as well as application development. This pertains to the original Servo Application Workbench program circa 1992 implemented as a 16 bit Windows application able to run under 32 bit Windows operating systems.
The Binary Command Interpreter Manual describes the motion control “API” that is available when using Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Think-and-Do software to direct the Motion Server controller.
The Ascii Command Interpreter Manual describes the motion control command set available through RS-232 commands. This command can be used when the controller is remote from the PC and has a DMS-AUX board to provide the serial communication channels.
This file provides signal definitions, voltage levels, and alternative cabling strategies for Motion Server signals.